Sunday, August 21, 2011

My friend texted me...Are you out there?

Jake and Talmage started school on August 11TH!!  Jake is our fifth grader.  This is his last year of elementary school.(Cannot believe it?) Talmage is our first grader. He goes all day long! I worried how "we" would do all day ;)  Talmage is doing well.  I am too.  We have made it through a  week and a half of school so far. Their school starts at 7:35 in the morning. They get out at 2:20. Guess it is a Kingman thing. 
Jake's teacher is a guy!  His teacher is an American History buff!  Jake comes home with great stories. He has a few good friends at school and girls that want to "go out with him"!  What?!!!!  In fifth grade?  He laughs and says "no".  Good boy. 
Talmage has an adorable teacher.  She just moved from Washington D.C. five days before school started.  She has taught for 12 years.  She is calm and patient from my observation. Talmage has a friend that he walks out from school with at the end of each day. I wait at the gate for him. I saw Talmage give this friend a hug and he told him "bye, I will miss you".  His friend said  "I will miss you too".  Watching the sweet exchange gave me wings!  Made me feel like life here in Kingman will be just fine.  The next day Talmage walked out and hugged his friend again.  His friend I could tell was a little worried about hugging.  I had to talk to Tal about just giving high five instead.  So, again the next day he walked out with his good friend. Talmage turned and gave him five, told him he would miss him, his friend told him that he would miss him too, and all was well!  When I asked him his friends name, he said "I don't know".  Ha!  Names aren't important.
Jonah  (still Captain America) started preschool too! He LOVES it! I am glad I still have him home with me most of the time as my side kick. Fun to have him love going to "School". 
I had a birthday this last week too.  What I loved most, were the friends that I got to celebrate with.  I even had one of my closest friends drive from Vegas a few days before the actual date.  She came and we went and saw the movie The Help. She had marinated chicken and brought the works to make dinner.  Chicken tacos to die for!  She even brought a Nothing Bunt Cake.  At the end of the night, before she left, she gave me this most AMAZING oil painting!  From the first time I went to her house, I have always adored the same picture that she has up.  Her close friend painted two of them for her.  I cannot believe I am the owner of the second one now.  They are our "friendship paintings".
My Sweet Mom had Domino's surprise deliver Pizza and every side Domino's offers!  The pizza delivery guy even sang Happy Birthday to me in it's entirety!  Now that is a Delivery guy!
The Hospital that Jared works at makes dreamy cakes!  Jared had this cake specially made for me.  It was Red Velvet and Cream Cheese frosting.  I pretty much ate the whole thing by myself.  Over a few days.  Still.  We only have a birthday once a year .

Fun design stuff coming over the next week or so!!!!

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