Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall cooking adds charm to a home too! A quick recipe!

Afternoons get hectic around my house.  I wake in the morning with the best intentions of a clean home and a dinner piping hot as Jared walks in.  The day rarely turns out as I plan or visualize.  I knew I needed to put something together.  I quickly looked around the kitchen and decided I would put an AWESOME Hormel White Chicken Chili into my latest favorite tortillas.  
My store bought Chili of choice is always Hormel. Here is the reason.  I know that there are many great cooks who spend hours making their signature chili.  I admire it!  Hours making chili is not in my attention span.  I have tried spending hours making things, only to have the end result turn out to be a FLOP!  I usually am left with a gigantic mess and a wounded heart.  I have moved on to easier, less time consuming cooking adventures.  Hormel chili won my Mom the grand prize in a chili cook off!  Ha!  My cute Mom volunteered to bring a crock pot of chili to the ward that they go to when they are at their vacation house in Arizona. Since they were busy vacationing and golfing, when it came time to prepare the chili, my Mom poured cans of Hormel chili into her crock pot.  She didn't realize that she was entering a Chili Cook Off.  My parents had other dinner plans that came up.  So, when they returned to the church to retrieve their crock pot (my Moms best friend) they were told that they won the Cook Off!  The poor people who spent all their time preparing their chili! Pretty funny!

Jared LOVED the burritos that I whipped up last night!  Hormel to the rescue again! (I'm not even getting paid for this!) I recommend this dinner for a cool Autumn night... or anytime really.

To make six large burritos use two cans of Hormel Chili Master White Chicken Chili.
Six large tortillas of choice
Eight ounces of Colby jack cheese
One large can of mild green enchilada sauce.

Spread chili all over tortilla sprinkle with cheese and roll up.
After all the burritos are rolled, pour green enchilada sauce over the top and sprinkle with cheese.  Bake in 375 oven for about 20-30 min!
Jared says to make sure to add a dollop of sour cream

Pure home charm I tell ya!  More on that subject soon.


  1. Ha ha... That was a great story to read after attending our interesting ward activity...;)

  2. Yummy! I'm learning to put together quick dinners too. No more time for Neiman Marcus cookies and waiting 3 hours for dried beans to cook these days with my Fiona... haha.
