Friday, October 14, 2011

The topic of "Charm" mainly home charm, has been on my mind for the past week or so.  Perhaps since I was a little girl, I remember always being drawn to the details of different homes.  Details you ask...what do you mean details?  For instance, about two years ago my sister Stacy and I were sitting in my car.  I was super excited about a painted door that I saw to the right of us. The door was old, painted a fun color and had awesome hardware.  She giggled and pointed out that she would NEVER have noticed that door or looked twice at it.  We are drawn to different things.  Mine..details.  When I asked her the other day what she felt brought "charm to a home"  this was her response.  "That's tricky for me to pinpoint...know the feeling but not the words.  I like soft color, light, and pictures that represent the people who live there."

                    If I know Stacy, this would be her DREAM room.  She is the best Mom on the planet.

I love how Stacy said that she "knows the feeling".  One description in the dictionary for Charm states: To cast or seem to cast a spell on; bewitch .  I love it.  I have been to a lot of homes that have made me "feel" that way.  My friend Michelle's homes have ALWAYS  "charmed" me. I have known her through five different homes throughout our friendship. Each home has had different things that have different charming aspects.  For example, in her first home her denim couch in her family room (twelve years ago)  was inviting and comfy. The tall poster bed that you had to get a running jump to get up onto was beautiful!  Her second home was her In law's. They lived in it while her In laws were LDS Misson  Presidents.  Most of the stuff in this home, was her In Law's.  What I remember being smitten with the most in this home, were the large windows that looked into the large back yard.  I remember those windows the most because she and I spent a lot of time with our toddlers playing IN the family room on a little tike's swing set!  I loved it because she had a family room big enough to accommodate one, and she used it. It catered to the people who lived there.  It was not just immaculate and made to feel like a stuffy decorator's show room.  In her third home...a spell was cast!  I will never forget the first time I walked through the door!  The home was average sized.  The contents were TREASURES!  She has three children, two of them are twins. The main wall of the front room had the most well done pictures of these three beautiful children.  It was during the time when "pictures" were becoming a hot item.  When there were few photographers that were truly good.  Her children's pictures have always been captured by quality photographers.  The lighting on the pictures was perfect.  The paint colors on the walls were warm and inviting.  Each bedroom that you went into had such a different feel.  They each en captured you.  Her homes have continued to become larger and the kitchens are unreal.. really.  I have literally cried as I have entered her last two kitchens.  They are well thought out and done to the hilt.  I also realize the time and energy that she spent deciding and creating a place where she cooks and entertains her family and friends.  She has had to endure extensive remodels to get to the awe of the finish line. Thanks for all the charming memories Michelle!
 As a young girl about six,  I remember going to one of  my Mom's friend's home which to me smelled AWFUL!  I was always taken back by the smell that enveloped us as we entered.  Urine? Not Clean? Dirty sheets? To this day I am ever aware of smells that can ruin a home's charm! I am positive that my home has at times taken on a funky smell.  Dirty Diapers! Rotting Garbage!  I am always trying to keep my home from smelling bad. I am currently working on getting rid of a underlying smokey smell from the previous owners.  It has NOT been easy.  I am very insecure about it.  I love a clean smelling house!  My Mom cleans her toilets EVERY DAY.  She pours Clorox down all her drains and all over her counters.  She is clean!  I have a hard time keeping up with her.
This is a clock I saw and loved a couple of years ago!

This is my version!  I bought it at Goodwill and painted it.  It even chimes.
I found this beloved website about four years ago as I learned of the fun world of blogging. She no longer keeps up her blog. Her home to me is what I consider CHARMING.  She writes "Let your home be your heart."  Her home is full of everything that she loves.  She is not at all worried about what the rules are.  She does what makes her feel at home.  After all, it is where we live!  Feeling at home and comfortable is what we are trying to achieve right?  Sometimes, I think our pride takes over and dictates how something should look and feel.  Leaving a feeling of coldness and like it is too pristine.   All four pictures found above from this site
I love these above pictures.  So many fun details.  Do you notice one thing extra charming above?  What draws you?
 Krystal@ my favorite partner in crime(decorating that is) responded to my question of what makes a home charming  "I always love homes with lots of books everywhere.  I think that brings charm.  Especially if they're books the people read because it also shows a little of their personality."  She is an English Major!  Her husband describes her as "enchanting."  Enchanting describes her perfectly.  Her house...the same!

I have spent much longer than I expected, and still have so many more thoughts on this subject.  I will make this a to be continued post.  I have a few more fun opinions from other people on this matter.  What are your thoughts?


  1. Your house doesn't smell like smoke...and you know I would tell you if I thought it did. PLEASE save the environment a bit and don't bleach your counters every day. Use a Norwex cloth instead. Clean can smell good without a smell at all. That, in fact, is my favorite smell.

    Your house smells like candy. Maybe it is just subliminal because I see it all over but that is what I smell in your house and I think it is lovely.

  2. You are so creative and cute! You have such a knack for creating beautiful spaces and I'm so happy I have you to teach me these things! Before I met you I think I would have driven by a painted door and not thought twice, but now I notice myself noticing the little details too. You helped me bring a little charm into my home. :)
