Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Romantic Story...kinda

Jared has been doing night shifts. Just as I was driving by his hospital and missing him the other night, he called and told me to meet him in the back.  I know...pretty exciting huh?  Thoughts raced through my mind wondering what he had in store for me?!  He sounded excited on the phone.  As I watched for him through a glass door, he suddenly appeared with a "TO GO" box in his hand, and a gigantic smile on his face.  I jumped out of my car to hug him.  The wind was  blowing through our hair, when he said " Lis, they had fried pickles in the cafeteria,  I knew how excited you would be!"  Fried Pickles!  How lucky am I?  I felt so happy to have such a great guy. Even when he is exhausted and busy he takes care of me!

Seriously, The BEST Fried Pickles!  Who would have guessed?  They even have really good Ranch dressing!


  1. Love, love, love. You two are seriously too cute. Miss you!!

  2. So awesome of him! That's southern food :) Think of me if you eat them again!
