Thursday, June 28, 2012

Book club in Kingman!

I had book club last night! Ellie had already left to go put her baby to sleep.
Some of the other girls were at girls camp.
It was fun though! I mean, how could it not be?
Eating treats and talking!
I took the pic, so not in there.
Best part...When the girls showed up I had not even showered yet! 
I spent way too much time cleaning my back yard.!
They waited patiently while I took 15 minutes to get ready.
We read NieNie's Heaven is Here.
What an amazing book! 


  1. Kingman Book Club was so fun!!! Thanks for hosting it at your wonderfully cute house. Can't wait to read the heaven is here book, let me know when I can borrow it!! :) Love you Lis!

  2. Looks so fun! I wish I had book club here, but no such luck!

  3. That is one of our books this summer! You'll have to keep me updated on what you are reading so I can get your good picks.

  4. Any chance this is still going on? If so, I'd be very interested in joining!
