Monday, December 12, 2011

Fun Weekend!

We went up to the Wualipia Mountains about 30 minutes from our house.  There was about 3 inches of snow.  We waited outside in line for about an hour and a half to see Santa. It got pretty cold the last 30 min of the wait.  Once you get to the front of the line you get to go inside a log cabin where hot chocolate, cookies, a fire to roast marshmallows in and of course Santa awaited us!  Jared and I waited in the line while the boys played in the snow and built a snowman. 


  1. That sounds and looks like you guys hard so much fun. I love your family picture with santa so cute.

  2. Lisa I LOVE your blog :-)I'm so happy your mom told me about it.
    Such a fun read. You made me feel as though I was right there with you waiting to see Santa. I sure hope you get a lot of the gifts you have on your wishlist.
    It was lovely seeing you and your darling family at Thanksgiving.
    You are more beautiful than ever.
