Thursday, March 22, 2012

I am a push over!

This is Jonah.
I have been telling Jared about his many requests of things to 
eat all by 10:00 A.M.!
He picks at it and says "I don't like it"
He promises to eat the next request...I give in...he cries "I don't like it!"
He moved from left to the spot he finally was in.
First, he wanted a ham and cheese sandwich, then a hot dog in a bun cut up...all fails!
Then, after sobbing, pleading and crying about how hungry he was, I GAVE IN!
How could I send him to pre-school hungry?!!!
SHAME ON ME!  I know. I know.
One day I will miss having him request three different meals by 8:30 in the morning.
One day


  1. It must be the "baby" thing because Harry is my pickiest eater too! Although Hunter is now being picky on meals she used to like.....maybe thats a teen-age girl thing?!?

  2. Just take him to donut deli on the way to pre school and stuff him with some donuts and chocolate milk! So happy that you re-entered Kingman and are back at home safely. Hope you guys are feeling better...let me know if you need anything. Love you!
